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What Is The Meaning Of a Money Rose Tattoo

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A money rose tattoo presents you with the image of dollar note currency, artistically wrapped in a twisted manner to take the shape of a rose flower. So basically, we are talking about a rose with cash money petals! Anyone can easily attest to the beauty of this tattoo concept.

But beyond the eye-catching display, this money rose tattoo can be interpreted in various ways, which brings us to the deal of the day.

What does a money rose tattoo mean?

Typically, we have to understand the two different factors that influence the meaning of a money rose tattoo. First is the money factor, then, the rose flower meaning. Hence, the combination of both represents:

  • Love for wealth – A rose flower is a symbol of love, while cash represents wealth. 
  • Passion – both items in display depict passion for a healthy lifestyle. 
  • Power – We could say that the combination of flowers and cash represents your hustle and recognition. 
  • Upliftment – It’s a means of demonstrating a “rags to riches” theme. 
  • A constant reminder – It’s a reminder of your ambition and inspiration towards your goals. 
  • Beauty and value – A money rose tattoo could be illustrating your beauty and value 
  • Your worth – It could also be a way to flaunt your achievements, success, or riches. 
  • Quality life – Some people believe that a money rose tattoo is basically representing your drive to improve your quality of life. 
  • Financial freedom – it is a huge way to appreciate your financial freedom. 

What is the significance of a money rose tattoo?

Virtually everyone loves to stick with a tattoo that has a rich and quality statement. In the case of money rose tattoo:

  • It’s a powerful way to signify that money can’t buy happiness.
  • It’s a symbol of the vanity of wealth
  • It signifies a better future
  • Since the cash in the display is wrapped circularly, it could be signifying the circles of expenditure.
  • It gives so much pride and recognition to the bearer.
  • It’s a rewarding piece for hardworking people.
  • And also signifies unending riches.

How can you flaunt creativity with a money rose tattoo? 

A lot of things can be paired with a money rose tattoo, for it to derive a new interpretation. For instance:

  • A money rose tattoo and a head clock – The very first theme to be associated with this design is “Time is money”. It’s a fun way to represent the value of your time. And can also serve as a reminder that you have the whole time to make money, never stop making money, as the clock never stops ticking.
  • Minimalist money rose tattoo – You could make your money rose tattoo in small sizes, but this option is most common among women. The major challenge with a minimalist money rose tattoo is that you do not get to explore so many details with it, and the size could influence it to translate the level of your wealth, which is enough motivation for you to hustle harder. 
  • A money rose tattoo and a skull – Here is a bold way to communicate the demons and roughness you encountered during your hustle, but still managed to emerge successful. It’s a source of motivation for the people around you and your esteem. 

How can you personalize a money rose tattoo?

There are endless ways to personalize your money rose tattoo. For example:

  • The money rose tattoo and head clock option is open for you to put a specific time on it. This time could relate deeply to you or holds a special event that’s important to you, like a child’s birth time, etc.
  • You can creatively make a date out of this clock head by pointing both hands at numbers that correlate to a particular day and month, respectively. For example, if it is a birthday that reads 10th of June, you can place the hands on 10 and 6 respectively. 
  • There’s also a popular option for placing both clock hands on 11:11, which is an ode to “making a wish” and attracting fortune to you.
  • Another way to personalize a money rose tattoo is to reference your financial growth level with the size of your tattoo. If you just began your financial journey, you could get a minimalist money rose tattoo, then increase the number of its cash petals as you grow.

Where’s the best place to get a money rose tattoo?

Depending on the size of your money rose tattoo, you are open to placing the tattoo on any part of your body.

  • You could make a long sleeve from it
  • A short sleeve
  • You can place it behind the ear
  • On the neck
  • Your wrist
  • The ankle, etc. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you get a money rose tattoo with a different note currency? 

Yes, you can. You can personalize your money rose tattoo to match the exact currency of your state.

It doesn’t always have to be a dollar note. It could be Euro notes, pound notes, cedi notes, naira notes, yuan notes, etc. The major thing is that it has to be a note currency, as it helps form the petals of a rose. You can’t do this with a coin. 


A money rose tattoo is certain to make an outstanding statement on your skin. If you are someone who’s passionate about wealth, luxury, love, and growth, you may have to give it due consideration. 


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