What is the meaning of 777 tattoo?

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You may find yourself among the tattoo lovers out there, and this could be the next body tattoo on your list. 

Of course, it is a great idea. But that leaves you with no choice but to follow up closely on this article.

The 777 tattoo is one of which been stirring up a whole lot of controversies in recent years. It may have a simple number appearance that is minimal in style, but it still has one of the most widely spread tattoo myths in the beauty space.§

What is the meaning of the 777 tattoos?

There are common meanings behind this tattoo number. Such that has been explained out of religious beliefs, and illustrations. For example:

  • Following some Biblical interpretations of 777, it represents the holy trinity of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). 
  • The Numerologists also believe that it is an Angelic number with spiritual connotations. 
  • Some people see it as a representation of tapping into their inner wisdom. 
  • It is also believed to be a symbol of luck, magic, wealth, abundance, and even romance. 

What is the spiritual meaning behind it? 

Most critics have drawn the spiritual meaning of this tattoo from the Holy Scripture, and according to them:

  • There are 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 chakras, and 7 spiritual levels to reach heaven. So if you are constantly seeing this angel number, it means you have perfectly completed a race in the image of God. 
  • In Judaism, the number 7 is seen as a perfect number and the number of God. This is because God rested on the 7th day of creating the world, so, it symbolizes self-reward after hard work. 
  • It keeps you out of danger and directs you to the right path in life. 
  • It could also be a sign from the universe to keep taking whatever it presents before you, and not give up easily. 

What does 777 mean in love? 

A romantic analysis of this tattoo reveals that when you frequently start seeing this number, it means you’re in a state of loneliness, and strongly seeking love. 

It is an indication to open up your heart to love and hold on for a little more time. 

It also means that you have angelic guidance for your perfect match to find you. 

What are the negative meanings of 777? 

The 777 has been regarded as a hate symbol by the people of German. This is because a particular design of this tattoo follows the symbol of their white supremacy, known as the Triskele. 

To them, it is an extremely inappropriate tattoo to acquire, as it signifies their hatred for the Jewish people.

What meaning does it have in numerology? 

A deeper philosophical study of this number has explored some key dimensions like:

  • The figure is something believed to bring good fortune and abundance. 
  • When people are in dire need of something, they take advantage of this tattoo, as it has the quality of attracting people’s desire. 
  • The number will offer you access to control your thoughts and feelings. 
  • It symbolizes spiritual awakening that is connected to the third eye, between the brows. This third eye is one amongst the seven chakras; the seven points of our body energy. Numerology further explains that it is important for this third eye to remain agile as it balances our nerves and organs, emotions and intuitions, controls our imaginations, and enhances our creative reasoning. 

Frequently asked questions:

How can creativity be explored in this tattoo?

The 777 tattoos can appear in various styles and creative ways. You have the option of imbibing some creative style into the art to boost creativity. An example is:

  • The variation of “777” is spelled verbatim as “seven seven seven”. You will find the words inked in cursive or print letters.
  • Another variation is the one that presents the three digits joined at the bottom and bulging out from the midpoint. This is common among the members of white supremacy.
  • There’s also another alternative of getting tattooing the 777 with shadows and contours to enhance the depth of realism.

Where can the 777 tattoos be placed?

There are no different meanings drawn from the position of this tattoo. You can decide the perfect spot you wish to acquire the tattoo, depending on the physical exposure you want from it. It can either be on:

  • The arm
  • The neck
  • The chest
  • The back
  • The ankle 
  • The wrist, and many other places. 


Your thoughts on getting a tattoo should align with the fact that tattoos are not easy to wipe. 

Therefore, the 777 tattoos like many other ideas, may offer a wild range of meanings. So, in case you find it simple and appealing to your personality, we hope that you draw the exact meaning of it that blends with your own belief.


  • We are a blog that exists to provide information about tattoos from start to finish. This includes everything from tattoo ideas and meanings to safety tips.

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