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What is the meaning of jaguar tattoo?

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It’s a jaguar tattoo! Specifically, a jaguar. Not a leopard, a tiger, or a cheetah. If you’re going to consider this tattoo, I hope you never make the mistake of mixing these animals because they have a very striking resemblance. 

The very first thing to note about jaguars is their big cat head, and the definition of their large rosettes’ skin appearance, with central spots. 

They have a very unique property that inspires for a body tattoo.

What is the meaning behind a jaguar tattoo?

There can never be a discussion on the cat’s family without mentioning the jaguar species, right after the lions and the tigers.  

With this record, who wouldn’t appreciate such a piece with a bold statement on his body? It simply means a lot to most tattoo lovers out there. 

It is one of those tattoos that has gained different interpretations from different individuals. And, in light of these multiple understandings, we’ll explore some of these examples in the following:

  1. Firstly, a jaguar tattoo by standard, holds a powerful symbol of fertility and prosperity to the people of Aztecs, Inca, and Maya. The reason is that the animal is worshipped and respected in expectation of the growth of their land. Anyone with this piece is believed to possess such standards. 
  2. It represents strength and power which is one of the attributes of a jaguar. A tattoo of such would mean that the bearer has some qualities to rule a territory.
  3. The tattoo is also a representation of patience and virtue. This meaning is derived from the fact that the jaguar is a patient cat that is ready to dedicate a very long time to calculate how to successfully catch its prey. So anyone with this tattoo is taken to possess this attribute. 
  4. Another symbol of the jaguar tattoo is aggressiveness. It is almost impossible to believe that a patient animal can also be aggressive because these two qualities are simply in contradiction. But, it is a fact. The jaguar is a very smart animal, it tends to be very aggressive in its hunting game, after waiting for an optimal time. This is a good image for whoever has this tattoo.
  5. It also portrays the ability to move forward and never let anyone stand between you and your goals, which is another thing to say about a jaguar.
  6. Lastly, another remarkable symbol of a jaguar tattoo is confidence. The animal has quite a good level of confidence by nature. It can switch from being powerful to being patient, and aggressive, which is a highly commendable trait. Anyone would want to possess the tattoo to constantly remind themselves to have a confident spirit. 

What is the cultural meaning of the jaguar tattoo?

Amongst the people of Maya Shaman, you will often find an ancient jaguar design as their preferred variant.

This variant resonates with their culture where they see the animal as a god with spiritual eyes. 

The ancient jaguar tattoo represents the spiritual life of the bearer.,built%20temples%20to%20the%20jaguar

What are the variations of the jaguar tattoo?

This is where style comes to play. The tattoo can appear in many forms to mean different things. For example:

  1. When it appears with just the head of the cat, it could be a sign of staying focused and determined.
  2. A full image of the jaguar could be representing physical strength and power.
  3. When it comes to the snarling position of the cat, coupled with some image of nature in the background, it could be communicating fierceness and confidence.
  4. There are also instances where you’d find them in combat with other animals. This could mean determination, no matter the obstacle.–694398836292640900/

What special values do men have about this tattoo?

A lot of men would opt for the jaguar tattoo simply for the quality of the big cat predators. They mostly find it appealing out of the following points:

  1. Power
  2. Bravado
  3. Strength
  4. Macho
  5. Dominance
  6. Resilience
  7. Fierceness 
  8. Aggressiveness, and other masculine qualities. 

What special value does it have for women? 

Unlike the male, a lot of female tattoo lovers are mostly intrigued by the grace and beauty of a jaguar. By physical assessment, most of the ladies in fashion are looking at:

  1. The alluring and rosette skin design of the jaguar. 
  2. The majestic catwalks of the animal.
  3. The beautiful, and contoured body figure it has as a cat. 
  4. The dramatic shape of their cat eyes, which is considered sexy. 
  5. And their highlighted facial outlines.

Frequently asked questions:

For A Better Expression Of The Jaguar Qualities, Where Is The Perfect Spot To Get The Tattoo? 

When you think of making a bold statement with this tattoo, you should remember that it requires a large amount of space on the body. Such parts that will provide you with the space are:

  1. The back
  2. The chest 
  3. A larger part of the forearm 
  4. The thing
  5. The stomach, and more. 

Then, if you wish to consider a minimalist jaguar tattoo, you can look out for:

  1. One side of the neck
  2. The back waist 
  3. The arm
  4. The ankle, and more. 

For more inspiration, check out –


The jaguar tattoo is certainly a good way to stand out in style and qualities. 

You should never imagine looking simple in it because simplicity is definitely one of the least things it will have to offer.

If your fashion spirit wants this tattoo for your body and your personality, then what is left to consider? This could be the piece you need to feel whole about yourself.


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